Next-generation Open-Source Tools for ATM performance Modelling and Optimisation
In recent years, the question of how to assess the performance impact of new solutions at a system-wide level in terms of air traffic management (ATM) has arisen. The EU-funded NOSTROMO project aims to develop new approaches to ATM performance modelling, combining model transparency, computational tractability and ease of use. First, the project will develop a methodology to build ATM performance metamodels. Second, this metamodelling methodology will be developed thanks to open source metamodels based on microsimulation tools able to reproduce ATM performance at the European Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC) level. Third, it will develop a set of visualisation and visual analytics tools. The project’s results will be evaluated with the aim of promoting its further implementation.
NOSTROMO project will be developed in an incremental approach towards the objectives, by evaluating and refining the proposed methodology in an iterative manner in the light of the results obtained in its specific applications.
This project has received funding from the SESAR Joint Undertaking under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 reasearch and innovation programme (